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Newly RA certified Touton Uganda coffee supply chain

Touton Uganda, one of the country’s leading green coffee exporters, has become the first in all of East and Southern Africa to earn the Rainforest Alliance certification against their new 2020 standard. In this article, we explore the motivation and certification journey behind this milestone achievement toward building a sustainable supply chain in Kasese.

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New research method to improve child labor measurement

REALITY CHECK BASED INNOVATION - A new socio-economic study by Marine Jouvin, Ph.D. candidate at Bordeaux University and Policy Impact Assessment Researcher at Touton, shows that the prevalence of child labor within cocoa supply chains is likely to be underestimated, due to a concept called social desirability bias...

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Supporting Honduran organic coffee partners for speedy recovery after hurricanes hit hard

Standing in solidarity with coffee planting communities in Honduras, Touton responded positively to the donation appeal launched by COAGRICSAL, Honduran coffee, cocoa, and pepper cooperative. Our financial donation is supporting our partner’s efforts on the ground to quickly relieve thousands of farmers from the devastating combined effect of Hurricanes Iota, Eta and COVID 19....

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CO2 emissions: getting the full picture

The Touton group is currently working on finalizing its first carbon footprint assessment. Gaining a clear picture of the nature and sources of GHG emissions generated by the trade of tropical agricultural commodities is the mandatory first step towards building an evidence-based, impactful, and conscious plan to fight climate change.

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Coffee & vanilla for regenerative agriculture in Kasese (UG)

Touton is proud to co-invest with IDH and IKEA foundation for the Coffee Farmer Income Resilience Program in Uganda. Leveraging on our multicrop know-how and extensive trading capacities, Touton will engage 5000 smallholder coffee farmers - who also grow cocoa, vanilla, and birds ‘eye chilies - to foster diversification for income resilience and transition their farm systems towards regenerative agriculture.

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Reaping the benefits of agroforestry today & for the future

Loss of tropical rainforests is a major issue in Côte d’Ivoire and Ghana, which together produce nearly two-thirds of the world’s supply of cocoa. Touton has just published its second Ghana progress report for the Cocoa & Forests Initiative, a public private partnership that coordinates efforts towards building a more sustainable and climate resilient cocoa supply chain...

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Touton proud to be part of new SAT4Farming project!

 Digital and Satellite Technology Program Launches to Support Ghana’s Smallholder Cocoa Farmers 

July 10th, ACCRA, GHANA – SAT4Farming, an initiative to reach thousands of small-scale cocoa producers with information and services to improve their productivity and sustainability, was announced today. It is designed to use digital technology and satellite imagery to create individual Farm Development Plans (FDPs) that guide farmers over a seven-year period. 

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Data model to spot covid negative effects awarded by the UN

The strength and the length of the Covid pandemic are adding an extra level of socio-economic pressure on vulnerable populations, including coffee or cocoa farming households in certain African regions. Loss of income, struggle to secure food, or children having to drop school to support their families, are some of the negative consequences brought by the health crises, hindering our collective capacity to address the United Nations Sustainable Develop Goals (SDGs).

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Madagascar: du riz pour une chaîne de valeur vanille durable

Les conditions climatiques et économiques complexes auxquelles font face les producteurs de Vanille de la region SAVA à Madagascar depuis plusieurs mois, rendent très difficiles l’accès à la nourriture et aux produits de première nécessité. Touton s’associe avec son partenaire et fournisseur local, NaturaVanilla, pour soutenir les 300 producteurs de la coopérative Madasoa et avancer dans la consolidation d’un partenariat solidaire, équitable et durable...

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New research to boost Ugandan coffee farmers’ resilience

Data collection is on! Since March 2021, data collection from Ugandan coffee producers is on-going in the Rwenzori. Our team of young enumerators from the coffee communities are now interviewing farmers with both quantitative and qualitative surveys about their current farming practices and revenues. Producers are positive and enthusiastic about the initiative and keen to benefit from the results to boost income diversification strategies. This new research partnership is still in the early early stages...

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Launch of a project to tackle climate change impact in Ghana

Yesterday, 19 October, Touton and a consortium of partners signed an MoU to launch the Partnership for Productivity Protection and Resilience in Cocoa Landscapes (PPRCL). The signing event took place in Accra, Ghana during the 2nd National REDD+ Forum organised by the Ghana Forestry Commission. The event featured a keynote speech from the  President of the Republic of Ghana, Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo.who applauded the launch of the new Partnership led by Touton.

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